Please find below some information on an exciting research conference on aging to take place in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia. Arts-informed research, workshops which engage interdisciplinary approaches, and presentations that think with-and-through the complex relations between disability, aging and embodiment welcome! A PDF of the Call for Abstracts is also attached to this email.
Best wishes and warm regards,
Katie Aubrecht
MA, PhD Candidate (ABD)
Research Coordinator
Nova Scotia Centre on Aging
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 2J6
T: 902-457-6193; F: 902-457-6508
Celebrating 20 Years of Advancing Aging Research and Enhancing Seniors' Lives.
Nova Scotia Centre on Aging presents:
Our Future is Aging: Current Research on Knowledge, Practice and Policy
November 21st-23rd, 2012
Delta Halifax Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Call for Abstracts
It is with great pleasure that the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging (NSCA) invites submissions for "Our Future is Aging: Current Research on Knowledge, Practice and Policy". The purpose of this one-time research conference is to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Centre by showcasing current research on aging from the multiple and varied disciplines which address the issues and opportunities of an aging population. This scientific peer-reviewed conference will bring together researchers, academics, artists, service providers, healthcare practitioners and professionals, administrators, public policy analysts, decision makers, students, and members of the community to showcase the diversity of perspectives and approaches to aging research within the region and across Canada.
Atlantic Canada has the oldest populations in the country, and there is significant scholarly research on aging underway in the region that is not well known. This conference provides a unique opportunity for emerging and established researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in the region who are interested and engaged in age-related research to come together to learn about, and be inspired by, one another's work. It offers an occasion to learn about existing collaborations in aging research, and foster new ones. Submissions on research that promotes and increases awareness about age-related issues within Atlantic Canada are strongly encouraged.
About the Organization
The NSCA is a research centre affiliated with the Department of Family Studies & Gerontology at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, that was established in 1992. Through research, education and community engagement, the NSCA advances knowledge on aging to inform social policy and practice and enhance the quality of life of older people and their families. For more information on the NSCA visit<http://www.
2012 marks our 20th anniversary, and we are planning a special celebration. Our anniversary theme is Our Future is Aging. We chose this theme because it captures where we as a society are headed (our population is aging) and it reaffirms the work and mission of the NSCA to generate knowledge that informs policy and practice on aging related issues. Our Future is Aging: Current Research on Knowledge, Practice and Policy, is one event in the 20th Anniversary program of activities. This research conference supports two of the Centre's strategic directions by fostering research collaborations and engaging in knowledge translation activities.
The NSCA welcomes abstracts for research on aging from across multiple perspectives, communities, fields, professions, and disciplines. We are especially interested in proposals which:
* Share latest advances in aging research and evidence that may shape program and policy development;
* Showcase inter-and-multi- disciplinary and community-based research collaborations;
* Foster research collaborations.
Open Call:
Anyone doing research on aging (educators, researchers, students, decision makers, service providers, aging advocates, or older adults) is invited to submit an abstract for consideration on a range of topic areas which include but are not limited to:
* Age-Related Research, Education and Community Engagement in Atlantic Canada and Beyond
* New Pathways in Understanding & Addressing Population Aging
* The Social Meanings and Philosophies of Aging
* Aging, Culture and Diversity
* Contexts of Care - The 'When' and 'Where' of Aging and Aging Research, Practice and Policy
* An Aging Workforce
* 'From the Field'- Innovative Perspectives on Policy and Practice
* Developments in Quantitative and Qualitative Aging Research
* Narrative Inquiry
* Perspectives from the Health Professions
* New Frontiers in Clinical Services, Research and Education
* Explorations in Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
* Embodiment, Subjectivity and Aging
* Moving Aging Research to Action - Creative Approaches to Knowledge Transfer, Translation, Exchange and Dissemination
Special Calls:
1. "The Art of Aging Research" - As part of its celebrations, the conference program will feature art exhibits and arts-informed research (qualitative research on aging inspired by the visual, literary and performing arts), that advance knowledge on aging. Exhibits should be accompanied by description of the work's relationship to the conference theme.
2. "Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections" - There is a growing national awareness of the need for interdisciplinary research, but few opportunities exist for researchers within universities, health care, and community-based organizations to share and learn about each other's work and identify potential collaborations. This special call invites proposals for interactive workshops demonstrating interdisciplinary work that will offer an opportunity to share and engage promising practices in multi- and interdisciplinary aging research and practice.
Presentation Formats
Conference sessions will be held in increments of 1 hour and 30 minutes, with three concurrent sessions per time slot. There are four different types of presentation formats:
1. Oral Presentation;
2. Poster;
3. Workshop;
4. Art Exhibit.
Guidelines for Presentation Formats
1. Oral Presentation
Each oral presentation is 30 minutes in duration, with 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the question/discussion period. Oral presentations will be grouped within a concurrent session according to the topic stream, or abstract focus. A Chair will be assigned to moderate the concurrent session.
2. Poster Presentation
Presenters will be expected to be available to answer any questions during the concurrent session in which their posters are scheduled. The maximum poster size is 44'' h x 36'' w (112 cm h x 91.5 cm w). Applicants are expected to arrive with their completed posters. The NSCA does not cover the costs of printing. The title of the presentation, followed by the name, institution address and e-mail of all authors should be at the top of the poster. Poster contents generally include an introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, bibliography, and acknowledgements, including the source of funding for the study (if applicable). Please use a font size that is legible from a distance.
3. Workshop (for Special Call only)
Workshops involve one or two leaders who organize a systematic exchange of ideas or conduct a demonstration or application of techniques and/or skills. Abstracts should include a brief description of how the workshop will be facilitated, the activities it will involve, the methodological approach, and the desired learning outcomes. Workshops generally take up an entire session; however, the NSCA reserves the right to combine similar workshops together in one session's timeslot.
4. Art Exhibit
Exhibits involve the presentation of the arts informed research as part of the concurrent sessions and/or on display during other parts of the conference (TBD). Presenter is to be available for engagement and interaction with participants during the specified time. Abstracts should include a description of the work and a statement which describes the technique, inspiration, and connection to the conference theme. Presenters are expected to arrive with their completed exhibits, and responsible for the removal of exhibits as specified by conference coordinators. Special set up and equipment may be at the submitter's expense. Please complete the Requests for Set-Up portion of the abstract submission.
The NSCA reserves the right to ask you to make a different type of presentation than the one you proposed; e.g., a poster rather than oral presentation. You should indicate on the Abstract Submission form whether you are willing to comply if asked.
Abstract Submission
The date of submission of abstracts is April 15, 2012, with notification of review process to the Corresponding Author by June 1, 2012. Submissions will be anonymously reviewed by a scientific review panel to determine acceptance based on relevance, quality, and contribution to field. Late submissions will not be considered.
To submit an abstract for consideration please go to the<http://www.
Travel Bursaries
If funding permits a limited number of travel bursaries may be available to students traveling to the conference. These bursaries will be distributed on a first-come-first serve basis, and will require the completion and submission of a student travel bursary form. Students are encouraged to identify their intent to apply for a travel bursary on the Online Submission form.
For additional information please consult the Nova Scotia Centre on Aging website:<http://www.
Halifax Nova Scotia B3M 2J6 Canada
Tel 902-457-6546 * Fax 902-457-6508
Celebrating 20 Years of Advancing Aging Research and Enhancing Seniors' Lives
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